Multi-brand SEW service center
Rue du Parc Industriel 31
B-6900 Marche-en-Famenne
+32 84 21 98 78

Multi-brand SEW service center
Rue du Parc Industriel 31
B-6900 Marche-en-Famenne
+32 84 21 98 78
Department EAST 016 386 356 east@sew.be |
Department WEST 016 386 355 west@sew.be |
Department SOUTH 016 386 354 south@sew.be |
SERVICE HOTLINE (24/7): 078 150 333 |
In the heart of Europe, SEW has deployed its multi-brand Service Center.
For all types, for all industries, we are specialists in:
Rue du Parc Industriel 31
B-6900 Marche-en- Famenne
+ 32 (0) 84 21 98 78
SEW-EURODRIVE is present in Vichte (Anzegem) with an innovation and service center.
In the Service Center, we can offer you custom trainings and services.
The Innovation Center serves for customer demonstrations, Proof of Concept (POC) and training. We showcase the latest SEW technologies and how they can be implemented on typical industrial applications:
Oudenaardestraat 84, 8570 Vichte
+32 (0) 16 38.63.11